The whole country is rejoicing at India's victory in the World Cup semi-final. Why? Coz we beat Pakistan! Emotions really run high when India plays Pakistan. Facebook messages ran amok with jubilation when India won. "Chak de India" and "Yippee!" and "Go Dhoni's Dashers! Go!". It seemed as if the World Cup had been won already!
Except one message which read "Take that for 26/11 and more". I thought it was in poor taste. People did ask the person not to spread hate. But he/she was unrepentant. Will winning a cricket match assuage the hurt and set right all that has gone wrong between our two nations? I always believed that games and culture can actually build bridges and bring people together. Let a game remain a game and let sportsmanship prevail.
Some days back, when I went over to my sister's place, my 13 year old niece invited me to stay over for a 'girl's sleepover' since her dad was touring. I said I couldn't since I have a husband at home and needed to get back. She didn't reply but I guess it did not go down well with her.
My sister later reported that my niece had a complaint. She said, "I think Chitti likes R uncle (the husband) more than me. She's not loyal to me anymore!". My poor baby! I went over the same day and ragged her about it. Each has their own place and is irreplaceable!
On Thursday, we were busy with a team meeting, when 5 men in white khadi shirts and vesti barged into our office. Addressing my boss, the oldest of the lot said: "Saar...Ai yam the Congress blah blah committee chairman. Ai yam ye vury honourable man"....
The fellows had come asking for money and assured us that they would 'stand by us'. My boss sat them down, had a nice chat about sundry things and refused the money. Smilingly he said what was in effect 'Do your worst. I'm not giving one naya paisa'. The fellows had to go on their way.
When I narrated the incident at home, my concerned husband retorted:"Better be careful. What if they throw acid at you?!"
We hang our washed clothes to dry on the open terrace of our apartment block. Everybody does. Each flat has been assigned two lines where they can hang their clothes. The down side is that clothes get stolen on a regular basis. I have so far lost one rajai (which I had hung out to air) and two lovely handloom dupattas. Today I discovered that two more items are missing. A T-shirt and capris which are well washed and soft and which I love wearing at home.
If there is something that I detest, it is a thief. Only the lowest scumbag would take something for which they have not worked and which is not theirs. Really!
P.S.: Did I go overboard with the pictures folks?
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- Deepa
- Welcome!Blogging is a form of self expression for me. I find it a wonderful, democratic space. So often in life, our articulation and expression are controlled by environment-like relationships or work place. Here, it is only about me and what I want to say. I write about anything: books, movies, issues, rants...anything which strikes a chord in me or makes me think. Life's lighter moments, highs and lows, causes, opinions. Anything. I follow no structure. It is all about self expression - a form of empowerment if you like.
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I liked all the snippets.They are varied.
I have a question to ask.Would the genuine lovers of the game want a better side to win or the national team to win even if they are not better on a false sense of patriotism.This is not with reference to India or the current series.It is a general question addressed to your blog readers.Which is better for the game?
Partha: A true lover of sports would appreciate the game, technique and talent I suppose. However, it is very difficult to set aside your patriotism (false or otherwise) in a charged atmosphere like a cricket or football game. Our identities, feelings and emotions take over and nothing else seems to matter. I'm not a sports enthusiast. Maybe those who are follow sports keenly may have a different point of view.
Cricket is bringing the whole nation together and all are happy. There is no meaning in finding some problem which is not relelvant to the game.
Your niece must be too attached to you! Just ignore with a laugh. She will understand after a few years!
All are scared of dirty politicians. Your husband is not altogether wrong, Deepa.
I just can't tolerate losing things. How are the able to wear other's clothes? Do you think it might be the servants? If not, the people are dirty people.
Sandhya: It is the first thing to suspect servants. Which is not fair.All should be equally under the scanner. As for my niece, yes, we're close. I want her to think of me as a friend and I think she does! :))
About cricket, most people think that if one doesn't follow cricket, especially when India is playing... It is an absolute "bakwaas"... I wonder how many people said "bleed blue" or "bleed 'military green'", when our Indian Army was fights at the border... Silly people!
"Hafta" matter was pretty hilarious... In response, I'll share a video with you, a scene from a thamizh film, which runs along the same lines...
On the whole, your writing is Ubercool (in a non geeky way) as usual, but your article writing style with apt caricatures, is Uber ubercool (very perfect, just like geeks do)...
Cheers! :)
Liked reading your snippets and the visuals add to the narrative.
In Kolkata people stealing clothes from the washline is a common occurrence - no wonder balconies now look more like cages.
Hi Deepa!
No no, u didn't go overboard with the pics dear! rather they added zing to the snippets.
I like the idea of writing snippets, rather than a whole post. At times, u just want to say some small thing, which cannot become a whole post, so it's good for that.
btw, i created a tag called "sweet nothings salty somethings" in my blog for those small little things i want to write (like snippets)... but... psst... i write a whole page each time I attempt to write it!
You express very well!
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Tech: Thank you young man! So my ubercool non geekiness award comes from a geek or a non-geek? :)))
Purba: Really? Stealing clothes is a universal malady? I should start hanging out clothes that I don't like or want to be rid of maybe. Problem is, the thief may not want them also!
Restless: Hey! You made it! I like writing snippets too. I can write more variety and sustain readers' interest - or so I hope.
Nice post. Very true about what you write about the game. That one banner was truly in bad taste.
Your niece - that was funny. Poor thing.
Glad your boss did not part with even a penny for the political thugs. Why do they want any more? Don't they have enough?
How do they steal from the clothes line? Guess you should have clotheslines that will impart mild electric shocks so that it will deter them.
Nice snippets and I loved the pictures!
My plaits are longer than the cartoon's!! and it is true that you are not spending time with me!!!!! A growing child like me requires an aunt like you!!!(kidding!!!)
Cookie: You're going to regret asking for more time!! (sniggering evilly). And of course I didnt forget your obelix plaits. But this cartoon's face reminded me of yours!!
You know Deepa, I was very tempted to post something about cricket/ world cup etc etc but somehow I felt that it would not be appreciated by the cricket crazy nation that we seem to have become... I plan to write something in my next post though about this.. and other prejudices.
@ Meera: Take all the potshots you want at cricket. You have a staunch supporter in me!!
Pics added some more humour to your snippets. It made an interesting read. Would love to read more such ones.
Keep writing!
You know Deepa, I was very tempted to post something about cricket/ world cup etc etc but somehow I felt that it would not be appreciated by the cricket crazy nation that we seem to have become... I plan to write something in my next post though about this.. and other prejudices.
Hi Deepa!
No no, u didn't go overboard with the pics dear! rather they added zing to the snippets.
I like the idea of writing snippets, rather than a whole post. At times, u just want to say some small thing, which cannot become a whole post, so it's good for that.
btw, i created a tag called "sweet nothings salty somethings" in my blog for those small little things i want to write (like snippets)... but... psst... i write a whole page each time I attempt to write it!
You express very well!
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